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  1. Install OpenVisus

Install OpenVisus

You need a conda installation. For Windows, go to this link and follow instructions. At the end you will have an Anacronda Prompt. On OSX you can use brew install or:

curl -O

On Linux:

curl -O

(OPTIONAL) To avoid conflicts with CPython installations:

conda config --set auto_activate_base false

Then activate conda:

conda activate

For OSX and Linux you may need to add this variable to avoid conflicts with pip CPython installed packages in ~/.local (see this link for more info):


Open a Windows Anaconda prompt or a shell and type (change python version and env name as needed):

conda create -n myenv python=3.7 
conda activate myenv
conda install --name myenv  -y conda
conda install --name myenv  -y --channel visus openvisus

Test it (just ignore segmentation fault error on some Linux distributions in the configure step): If you would like to use conda for the rest of the configuration, create an environment variable: USE_CONDA=1 Otherwise, by default, the configuration process will use pip.

python -m OpenVisus configure 
python -c "from OpenVisus import *"

(OPTIONAL) If you get numpy import error such as Library not loaded: @rpath/libopenblas.dylib, this:

conda uninstall --name myenv  -y numpy
conda install   --name myenv  -y nomkl numpy scipy scikit-learn numexpr openblas blas
conda remove    --name myenv  -y mkl mkl-service
python -c "import numpy"

Run the viewer:

python -m OpenVisus viewer

(OPTIONAL) Remove the enviroment:

conda deactivate
conda remove --name myenv --all