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Table of contents

  1. Prerequisites. Create an Access Key
    1. Amazon S3
    2. Wasabi
    3. OSN Pod
  2. Copy OpenVisus datasets
  3. Use RClone for S3->S3 copy

Prerequisites. Create an Access Key

Amazon S3

To create an access key go to$new?step=details:

access_key: python-s3
Type: Programmatic access
Attach existing policies: AmazonS3FullAccess
Run aws configure (change as needed):
    AWS Access Key ID [None]: xxxxxxxxx
    AWS Secret Access Key [None]: yyyyyy
    Default region name [None]: us-east-1
    Default output format [None]:


See for creating an access key.

Open problem sometimes we get STATUS_FORBIDDEN on wasabi:

# 103400580 NetService:623 28088:22172 GET connection 3 wait 10 running 526 status STATUS_FORBIDDEN url


Go to and use the University of Utah institution login to access the bucket and/or create an access key.

Copy OpenVisus datasets

Specify the source dataset. The source can be a local dataset (local->S3 copy) or a remote one (S3->S3 copy). For example in case of Wasabi:

export SRC=

Specify the destination. For example, in case of OSN Pods:

export DST=

Run the copy (see

python Samples/python/cloud_storage/ copy-blocks \
    --src $SRC \
    --dst $DST \
    --num-threads 8

At the end of the process the copy will print out the instruction regardning how to reference the new dataset in your visus.config. You will get a new config that automatically enables caching:

<dataset url='...' >
	<access type='multiplex'>
		<access type='disk' chmod='rw' url='file://D:/visus-cache/...' />
		<access type="CloudStorageAccess" url="..." chmod="r" compression="zip" />

Use RClone for S3->S3 copy

If you have the right configurations in rclone you can do the transfer S3->S3 in the background:

# optional delete 
rclone -vv delete osn:vpascuccibucket1/visus-server-foam
rclone -vv --progress sync WasabiDrone:visus-server-foam osn:vpascuccibucket1/visus-server-foam